Healthwise by WebMD Ignite Patient Education EMR Module

EMR Version 2.0.179 | miewebchart | miewebchart.emr | 14.2

View Patient Responses and Electronic Fulfillment

The Healthwise EMR Module supports optional electronic delivery of health content via Healthwise Communicate. This secure e-fulfillment destination gives your organization a convenient way to deliver education prescribed by clinicians. Healthwise Communicate tracks whether patients are reading the education and completing the tools. This allows clinicians to view individual patient responses and progress in the EMR Module Patient Response tab.

View Patient Responses


The following conditions must be met in order to enable electronic fulfillment of materials via Healthwise Communicate :

The current key has neither view patient responses or electronic fulfillment enabled.

Passing Necessary Patient information on Launch Request

At a minimum, in order to support electronic fulfillment of materials via Healthwise Communicate, the application requires <strong>last name, date of birth,</strong> and a <strong>patient identifier</strong> to be passed in on the launch request. The last name and date of birth are the credentials the patient will use to log into the Healthwise Communicate health message center in order to view his or her prescribed content. The patient identifier is used by the Healthwise Communicate health message center to display the content prescribed for a specific patient.

Attribute name Attribute value Comments Jones Patient last name
patientPerson.birthTime.value.v 20061201 Patient date of birth 5434566 Patient identifier

Full URL : /launch/index? key)

If the patient's email address is passed in on the launch request the application will populate the email address at the time of fulfillment. The email address must be URL-escaped and must include the 'mailto:' prefix.

Attribute name Attribute value Comments Jones Patient last name
patientPerson.birthTime.value.v 20061201 Patient date of birth 5434566 Patient identifier
patientPerson.telecom.v Patient email address

Full URL : /launch/index? key)

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