WebMD Ignite Patient Education EMR Module

EMR Version 2.3.0 | miewebchart | miewebchart.emr | 14.3

Adding Patient Context

Patient context such as for example demographics, conditions, procedures and/or medications can be added to the query string using the HL7 Infobutton standard URL format. This section describe how to add patient context information to the query string.

The EMR Module can be launched with either a GET or a POST request. GET requests use the standard query string format and POST requests use the standard HTML form format. The HL7 Infobutton standard defines an XML format for a request and a standard way to turn this XML format into a query string. However, the EMR Module application does not currently support the HL7 Infobutton XML format.

This section describes common codes and how to add them to the URL.

Patient Age

A patient age is passed in using the following query string parameters:

Attribute name Attribute value Comments
age.c.cs 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 LOINC Code system
age.c.c 30525-0 Age code
age.v.v 25 Age value
age.v.u a Age unit. 'a': age value is in years

Full URL : /launch/index?age.c.cs=2.16.840.1.113883.6.1&age.c.c=30525-0&age.v.v=25&age.v.u=a&hw.key=(application key)

On its own, passing in the patient age will not have any effect. If passed in with other search codes, such as ICD9 codes, the document presented to the user will be filtered such that only documents relevant to the age provided will be shown.

The age unit can be "a" for years, "m" for months, "w" for weeks, "d" for days, or "h" for hours.

Patient Gender

Patient gender is passed to the application using the following query string parameters:

Attribute name Attribute value Comments
patientPerson.administrativeGenderCode.cs 2.16.840.1.113883.5.1 Gender code system
patientPerson.administrativeGenderCode.c m Code for gender ('m' = male, 'f' = female)

Full URL: /launch/index?patientPerson.administrativeGenderCode.cs=2.16.840.1.113883.5.1&patientPerson.administrativeGenderCode.c=m&hw.key=(application key)

On its own, passing in the patient gender will not have any effect. If passed in with other search codes, such as ICD9 codes, the document presented to the user will be filtered such that only documents relevant to the gender provided will be shown.

Search codes

Search codes can be passed into the application using one or more "mainSearchCriteria" attributes. This is the format for a single search code:

Attribute name Attribute value Comments
mainSearchCriteria.v.cs code system Code system, see below for supported systems
mainSearchCriteria.v.c code
mainSearchCriteria.v.dn display name Optional. Displayed by application next to code.

The display name is optional but will be used by the application to show next to the code in the interface. An attempt should be made to pass in something meaningful and short.

Example using an ICD9 code:

Attribute name Attribute value Comments
mainSearchCriteria.v.cs 2.16.840.1.113883.6.103 ICD9 Code system
mainSearchCriteria.v.c 786.05 The ICD9 code
mainSearchCriteria.v.dn Shortness of Breath Display name (optional)

Full URL: /launch/index?mainSearchCriteria.v.cs=2.16.840.1.113883.6.103&mainSearchCriteria.v.c=786.05&mainSearchCriteria.v.dn=Shortness+of+Breath&hw.key=(application key)

The following code systems are supported:

For other code systems, or in case no code system is passed in, the application will use the display name as a search term. Search criteria provided using unknown code systems with no display name will be ignored.

Attribute name Attribute value Comments
mainSearchCriteria.v.dn heart Application will launch with documents relevant to 'heart'

Full URL : /launch/index?mainSearchCriteria.v.dn=heart&hw.key=(application key)

Multiple codes can be passed in by suffixing the query attributes with an index, like this:

Attribute name Attribute value Comments
mainSearchCriteria.v.cs 2.16.840.1.113883.6.103
mainSearchCriteria.v.c 786.05 First code
mainSearchCriteria.v.dn Shortness of Breath
mainSearchCriteria.v.cs1 2.16.840.1.113883.6.103
mainSearchCriteria.v.c1 410.00 Second code
mainSearchCriteria.v.cs2 2.16.840.1.113883.6.12.1 CPT code system
mainSearchCriteria.v.c2 45384 Third code

Full URL : /launch/index?mainSearchCriteria.v.cs=2.16.840.1.113883.6.103&mainSearchCriteria.v.c=786.05&mainSearchCriteria.v.dn=Shortness+of+Breath&mainSearchCriteria.v.cs1=2.16.840.1.113883.6.103&mainSearchCriteria.v.c1=410.00&mainSearchCriteria.v.cs2=2.16.840.1.113883.6.12.1&mainSearchCriteria.v.c2=45384&hw.key=(application key)

Codes combined with patient age and/or gender information will filter the results further. The following example shows three codes passed in with patient age and gender. Note that age and gender appears in the application in the top of the search results and results are filtered based on these values.

Attribute name Attribute value Comments
age.c.cs 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1
age.c.c 30525-0
age.v.v 25 25 years
age.v.u a
patientPerson.administrativeGenderCode.cs 2.16.840.1.113883.5.1
patientPerson.administrativeGenderCode.c f Female
mainSearchCriteria.v.cs 2.16.840.1.113883.6.103
mainSearchCriteria.v.c 786.05
mainSearchCriteria.v.dn Shortness of Breath
mainSearchCriteria.v.cs1 2.16.840.1.113883.6.103
mainSearchCriteria.v.c1 410.00
mainSearchCriteria.v.cs2 2.16.840.1.113883.6.12.1
mainSearchCriteria.v.c2 45384
mainSearchCriteria.v.dn2 Colonoscopy

Full URL : /launch/index?age.c.cs=2.16.840.1.113883.6.1&age.c.c=30525-0&age.v.v=25&age.v.u=a&patientPerson.administrativeGenderCode.cs=2.16.840.1.113883.5.1&patientPerson.administrativeGenderCode.c=f&mainSearchCriteria.v.cs=2.16.840.1.113883.6.103&mainSearchCriteria.v.c=786.05&mainSearchCriteria.v.dn=Shortness+of+Breath&mainSearchCriteria.v.cs1=2.16.840.1.113883.6.103&mainSearchCriteria.v.c1=410.00&mainSearchCriteria.v.cs2=2.16.840.1.113883.6.12.1&mainSearchCriteria.v.c2=45384&mainSearchCriteria.v.dn2=Colonoscopy&hw.key=(application key)

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